
800 x 1060

Some years ago I did my version of the Last Supper which I called “Die Laaste van die Groot Vreters” (The Last of the Big Eaters). “Yesterdays Heroes” is a newer version of my Last Supper and features some of the memorable figures, mostly political, from more than thirty years ago.

Why the aircraft? Many of my generation were then involved in South Africa’s military situation. For me it did not only mean border duty but I got involve in the planning of a military museum for P.W. Botha in George. Incidentally, for this I needed security clearance which I got. This was because there was sensitive material involved. The aircraft in the painting is the Impala Mk1 (MB-326M) which was the first jet to be built is South Africa in 1966.

The yoyo symbolises the ups and downs in politics… then and ever since!